Andrei Kulakov <> added the comment:

Irit: I assume you mean r' \r?\n', that's a great idea, it's much faster than 
adding a separate replacement step.

Latest version I came up with is this:

                if' \r?\n', text):
                    text = re.sub(r' \r?\n', ' ', text)
                if'\r?\n ', text):
                    text = re.sub(r'\r?\n ', ' ', text)

This optimizes the case when there's no newlines, which is likely the most 
common case for small fragments of text, but it may be the less common case for 
larger fragments where performance is more important; so I'm not sure if it's 
worth it.

# sub() has to run
2904 (~/opensource/cpython) % ./python.exe -mtimeit 'import textwrap' 
'textwrap.wrap("abc foo\n bar baz", 5)'       ----VICMD----
5000 loops, best of 5: 67.6 usec per loop

# search() runs; but sub() does NOT because there's no adjacent space
2906 (~/opensource/cpython) % ./python.exe -mtimeit 'import textwrap' 
'textwrap.wrap("abc foo\nbar baz", 5)'        ----VICMD----
5000 loops, best of 5: 60.3 usec per loop


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