Joe Wells <> added the comment:

Here are my thoughts inspired by Andrei's insightful comments.

1. In response to the major issue Andrei raises, I agree that it is desirable 
that repr would never raise an exception.  The reasons Andrei mentions seem 
quite correct to me.  However, I think the only practical way to make that 
change would be the change the code of the repr builtin.  (Expecting the 
authors of every class in all Python code ever written to make sure that their 
__repr__ method will never raise an exception is unrealistic.)

The bug that is the topic of the issue in this bug report can be fixed by 
merely handling exceptions raised by one particular call to repr in the code of 
FrameSummary.__init__.  That change can only affect code that uses the 
traceback module to get nicer tracebacks, and only if the capture_locals=True 
feature is requested

Changing the implementation of the repr builtin could conceivably cause 
unexpected problems for lots of deployed 3rd party code during normal use, 
because repr is widely used in deployed code, and hence more care and thought 
is needed.  In contrast, changing FrameSummary.__init__ as I propose in this 
bug report will only affect code using the capture_locals=True feature of the 
traceback module, and is likely to make such code more reliable because right 
now that feature is failure-prone due to this bug.

So I propose that making repr never raise exceptions should be a different bug. 
 This bug does not need to wait for that bug to be fixed.

2. In response to a minor point of Andrei, I would like to mention that I 
encountered this because I had given students a coursework template containing 
this code:

import traceback, sys

def format_exception_chunks(exception):
    return (traceback.TracebackException.from_exception(exception, 

def print_exception(_ignored_type, exception, _ignored_traceback):
    for chunk in format_exception_chunks(exception):
        print(chunk, file=sys.stderr, end="")

# This change to sys.excepthook adds local variables to stack traces.
sys.excepthook = print_exception

This had the unfortunate effect that when a class constructor decided that it 
did not like its arguments, the students were overwhelmed by a baffling cascade 
of exception tracebacks.  So while this was indeed “for convenience of 
interactive debugging”, it had the actual effect of making it nearly impossible 
for these beginner Python programmers to do any debugging at all.  The overall 
effect of this bug is that it makes it potentially unwise to routinely rely on 
the capture_locals=True feature.  A feature that could be useful for beginners 
actually makes it worse for them.

3. In response to Andrei's suggested change to my minimal example to reproduce 
the bug, I have a few comments.  First, his minimal example is just as good as 
mine for reproducing the bug.  Second, my example is inspired by the two 
classes I mention whose constructors trigger the bug: both of them do it by 
leaving the incompletely initialized object missing an attribute that repr 
depends on, so they both raise a missing attribute exception when an attempt is 
made to print the incompletely initialized object.  I suspect this is a quite 
common pattern in deployed Python code.  I suspect that people have not made 
efforts to avoid this pattern because it only triggers a bug when exception 
tracebacks are investigated, because the only reference to the incompletely 
initialized object is in the stack frame of the constructor method (either 
__new__ or __init__) which in turn is only referenced from the traceback.  
Third, my example deliberately has as little code as possible in the __repr__ 
method to convey the key issue.  Fourth, one of these two examples (mine or 
Andrei's) should go into the unit tests when the bug is fixed.

4. I notice that the code of unittest.util.safe_repr gives an example of how to 
use object.__repr__(obj) to get something formatted for an object whose normal 
__repr__ method has raised an exception.  So I alter my recommended fix to the 

        if locals:
            d = {}
            self.locals = d
            for k, v in locals.items():
                    d[k] = repr(v)
                except Exception:
                    d[k] = '<repr failed for ' + object.__repr__(v) + '>'
            self.locals = None

5. Can someone please change the Stage of this issue to something other than 
“resolved” and the Resolution of this issue to something other than “not a bug”?

I hope these comments are helpful and this bug gets somehow fixed.


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