Thomas <> added the comment:

> An example of multiple descriptors would be to have:
> @cached_property
> @property
> def expensive_calc(self):
>     #Do something expensive

That's decorator chaining. The example you gave is not working code (try to 
return something from expensive_calc and print(obj.expensive_calc()), you'll 
get a TypeError). Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can chain 
descriptors the way you want unless the descriptors themselves have knowledge 
that they're acting on descriptors. E.g., given:

class Foo:
    def bar(self):
        return 5

You would need descriptorA to be implemented such that its __get__ method 
return .__get__() of whatever it was wrapping (in this case descriptorB).

Either way, at the class level (I mean the Foo class, the one we'd like to make 
a dataclass), all of this doesn't matter because it only sees the outer 
descriptor (descriptorA). Assuming the proposed solution is accepted, you would 
be able to do this:

class Foo:
    def bar(self):
        return some_value
    def bar(self, value):
        ...  # store value
    bar: int = field(descriptor=bar)

and, assuming descriptorA is compatible with descriptorB on both .__get__ and 
.__set__, as stated above, it would work the way you intend it to.


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