Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> added the comment:

AFAICT, the only capability added by the PR is keeping a weak reference to the 

This doesn't improve the hit rate and will make the hit rate worse for 
instances that define __hash__.  In the PR's example, two vector instances with 
equal coordinates would not be recognized as being equivalent.  Note, 
dataclasses make it trivially easy to add custom __eq__ and __hash__ support.

Users also lose the ability to limit maximum memory utilization.  Managing the 
combined size of many caches, one per instance, is much more difficult that 
setting an automatic maxsize limit on a single lru_cache.

Users further lose the ability to clear the entire cache all at once.  This can 
be important in testing.

AFAICT, the only benefit is that short-lived instances will be freed earlier 
than if they waited to age out of an lru_cache.  This would only ever matter if 
the instances were large, short-lived, and would never have other equivalent 
instances that could create a cache hit.

Lastly, I don't like the example given in the docs for the PR.  We really want 
the class to define __hash__ and __eq__ methods.  This doesn't just improve the 
hit rate, it is also necessary for avoiding bugs.  If the coordinates gets 
mutate, the cache has no way of knowing that its entry is invalid:
    v = Vector(10, 20, 30)
    v.coordinates = (11, 22, 33)

nosy: +rhettinger

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