Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:

Serhiy, we haven't documented such stuff, and, indeed, I've been burned by it 
but much more often in the case of multiprocessing.Process. But note that I'm 
SWAPPING the order of your last two lines. In the original, you mutated the 
argument _before_ starting any parallel work, so "of course" the new worker 
will see the mutation:

    def access(xs):

    args = ([1],)
    t = multiprocessing.Process(target=access, args=args)
    t.start() # start parallel work before mutating
    args[0][0] = 2

Does that print [1] or [2]? Passing a tuple in no way prevents mutations to 
mutable objects the tuple contains.

When the docs are silent, "implementation defined" rules. Whether you use 
threading or multiprocessing in the altered example above, the result printed 
simply isn't defined - it's a race between the main thread doing the mutation 
and the "parallel part" accessing the mutated object.

This is subtler in the multiprocessing context, though, because the relevant 
"parallel part" is really the hidden thread that pickles the argument list to 
send to the worker. That effectively makes a deep copy. But it's still a race, 
just not one visible from staring at the Python code. In the threading case, no 
copies are made.


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