Gregory P. Smith <> added the comment:

The way I'd go about this is to support some form of periodic checkpoint in the 
algorithm where it checks in with code supplied by the difflib user. 
Traditionally that'd have been via callbacks, there might be an async style way 
to express that these days. Those could indicate that they want the operation 
to be aborted. If it is possible to estimate progress, supplying that as input 
to the checkpoint API would be useful.

This leaves decision logic on when to abort something entirely up to the user 
rather than being clock based which is often not what the user wants.

I'm re-titling the issue as the original patch and proposal of a timeout isn't 
the direction several core devs have suggested we head.

nosy: +gregory.p.smith
stage:  -> needs patch
title: Patch: add timeout to difflib SequenceMatcher ratio() and quick_ratio() 
-> Provide a way for potentially long runtime difflib algorithms to be aborted 
by the caller (and report progress?)

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