Ned Deily <> added the comment:

We don't currently support cross-building a single macOS architecture on 
another, i.e. building an x86_64 only build on an Apple Silicon Mac. However, 
we do support building a multi-architecture build on either on current releases 
of Python 3.9 and 3.10, with what is known as a universal or fat build. In this 
case, you'd want to add these two options:

./configure --enable-universalsdk --with-universal-archs=universal2 ...

For this to succeed, you will also need to provide universal builds of any of 
the third-party libraries used by standard modules you need and that are not 
otherwise provided by macOS, the most common being OpenSSL and XZ (and perhaps 
newer versions of SQLite and Tcl/Tk). For the most part, those are 
straightforward to build yourself but also may be available through some 
third-party distributors like MacPorts and possibly HomeBrew. The 
Mac/README.rst file in repo has some more details about universal builds and 
there may be some useful hints at building the third-party libraries in 
Mac/BuildScript/ although it is not intended to be used for 
this purpose. The resulting universal2 build can be used as is on either 
Intel-64 or Apple Silicon Macs but, if you truly need to have only Intel 
binaries you should be able to use the macOS lipo command to separate out the 
desired architecture from the built executables and shared libraries into other 
files. If you want to run t
 hese binaries on a range of macOS versions, you can also set the 
MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable when building the libs and 
Python; we currently test and support back to 10.9.

nosy: +ned.deily

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