Tim Peters <t...@python.org> added the comment:

I don't know that there's a good use case for this. For floating addition, 
tree-based summation can greatly reduce total roundoff error, but that's not 
true of floating multiplication.

The advantage for prod(range(2, 50001)) doesn't really stem from turning it 
into a tree reduction, but instead for that specific input sequence "the tree" 
happens to do a decent job of keeping multiplicands more-or-less balanced in 
size (bit length), which eventually allows Karatsuba multiplication to come 
into play. If CPython didn't implement Karatsuba multiplication, tree reduction 
wouldn't improve speed: if the inputs are in sequence xs, regardless how 
school-book multiplication is grouped, or rearranged, the time needed is 
proportional to

    sum(a * b for a, b in combinations([x.bit_length() for x in xs], 2))

So if the real point is to speed large products of integers, a different 
approach is wanted: keep track of intermediate products' bit lengths, and at 
each step strive to multiply partial products near the same length. This will 
reliably get Karatsuba into play if possible, and caters too to that Karatsuba 
is most valuable on multiplicands of the same bit length. When any of that 
happens from blind tree reduction, it's down to luck.

I've seen decent results from doing that with a fixed, small array A, which 
(very roughly speaking) combines "the next" integer `i` to multiply with the 
array entry A[i.bit_length().bit_length()] (and continues that with the new 
partial product, & so on, until hitting an array slot containing 1).


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