Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> added the comment:

I think this may fine as-is.  In general, virtiual classes only promise that an 
operation will work rather than promsing the presence of a particular method.

An object can be Iterable without defining __iter__ because iter() can use 
__getitem__ and __len__ to build a sequence iterator.  Likewise, an object can 
be a Container without defining __contains__ because the in-operator will work 
on any iterable.  An object can be Reversible without defining __reversed__ 
because reversed() will fall back to an implementation based on __getitem__ and 

The docstring in numbers.Complex promises, "Complex defines the operations that 
work on the builtin complex type.  In short, those are: a conversion to 
complex, .real, .imag, +, -, *, /, **, abs(), .conjugate, ==, and !=."

In other words, the promise is that these work (which they do):

   >>> complex(0.0)
   >>> int(0.0)

nosy: +rhettinger

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