David Beazley <d...@dabeaz.com> added the comment:

I must be missing something, but why, exactly would you want multiple CPU-bound 
threads to yield every 100 ticks?   Frankly, that sounds like a horrible idea 
that is going to hammer your system with excessive context switching overhead 
and cache performance problems---an effect that you, yourself have actually 
observed.   The results of ccbench also show worse performance for the 
round-robin GIL because of this.

Although the legacy GIL signals every 100  ticks, threads do not context switch 
that rapidly.  In fact, on single CPU systems, they context switch at about the 
same rate as the system time-slice (5-10 milliseconds on most systems).     The 
new GIL implemented by Antoine also does not rapidly switch CPU-bound threads.

Again, I must be missing something, but I don't see how this round-robin GIL 
and all of this forced thread switching is anything that you would ever 
want--especially for CPU-bound threads. It seems to go against just about every 
design goal that people usually have for schedulers (especially the goal of 
minimizing context switching overhead).

Again, maybe I'm just being dense and missing something.


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