Brett Cannon <> added the comment:

If you want a justification, think of it as undefined behavior. When you use an 
empty string in fromlist you are essentially simulating ``from pkg import`` 
which makes absolutely no sense, so no one has cared enough to try to fix this. 
It's such a hack that I don't think people need to worry about fixing it, 
especially with a more sanctioned way to do it and with importlib being 
available in PyPI and running in Python 2.3 and later.

Now if someone bothers to submit a patch to fix the issue that is reasonable 
then it can be considered for fixing, but I view this as such a nonsensical 
call signature that I personally don't see the need to have someone burn some 
time on this unless they really care. As a compromise I have made this a "wont 
fix" bug, but I still don't see the need to open the bug again.

priority: normal -> low
resolution: invalid -> wont fix

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