David Beazley <d...@dabeaz.com> added the comment:

I'm sorry, but even in the presence of fair locking, I still don't like this 
patch.   The main problem is that it confuses fair locking with fair CPU 
use---something that this patch does not and can not achieve on any platform.

The main problem is that everything is still based on the execution of 
interpreter ticks.  However, interpreter ticks have wildly varying execution 
times dependent upon the code that's running.   Thus, executing 1000 ticks 
might take significantly longer in one thread than another.   Under a FIFO 
scheduler based on "fair" locking, the thread with the longer-running ticks is 
going to unfairly hog the GIL and the CPU.  For example, if thread 1 takes 95 
usec to execute 1000 ticks and thread 2 takes 5 usec to execute 1000 ticks, 
then thread 1 is going to end up hogging about 95% of the CPU cycles, starving 
thread 2.   To me, that doesn't sound especially "fair." 

It would be much better to have fairness where threads are guaranteed to get an 
equal time slice of CPU cycles regardless of how many ticks they're executing.  
In other words, it would be much better if the two threads above each got 50% 
of the CPU cycles.   The only way you're ever going to be able to do that is to 
base thread scheduling on timing.   The new GIL in Python 3 makes an effort to 
do this even though some issues are still being worked out with it.

On a slightly unrelated note, I just tried some experiments on Linux with the 
GIL implemented as condition variables and with semaphores.   I honestly didn't 
see any noticeable performance difference between the two versions.  I also 
didn't see any kind of purported "fair" scheduling of threads using the 
semaphore version.  Both versions exhibit the same performance problems as 
described in my GIL talk (albeit not to the same extreme as on OS-X).  Based on 
my own reading of the pthreads source code (yes, I have looked), I can't really 
draw any conclusion about the fairness of semaphores.   Under the covers, it's 
all based on futex locks (the "f" in futex referring to "fast", not "fair" by 
the way). I know that the original paper on futexes has some experiments with 
fair lock scheduling, but I honestly don't know if that is being used in the 
Linux kernel or by pthreads.   My understanding is that by default, futexes do 
not guarantee fairness.  To know for certain with semaphor
 es, much more low-level investigation would be required.


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