STINNER Victor <> added the comment:

Bytes program name problem should be splitted in two parts:

 (a)[b'env']) and[b'env'], env={'PATH': 
'/usr/bin'}): bytes program and unicode environ
 (b) bytes program and bytes environ

Part (a)

(a) would benefit from the creation of os(.path).fsencode() function (issue 

Part (b)

If the creation of os.environb is accepted (#8603), I think that subprocess 
should also be modified to support pure bytes environ. Mix bytes and unicode 
variables in env would lead to mojibake and headaches.

So I propose the creation of an "envb" (environment bytes) argument to Popen 
constructor. (b) would be written as:[b'env'], envb={b'PATH': b'/usr/bin'})


   envb = os.environb.copy()
   envb[b'PATH'] = b'/usr/bin'[b'env'], envb=envb)

(and it will not be possible to define env and envb at the same time)

In this case, we will need a pure bytes version of os.get_exec_path(), and 
os._execvpe() should have a "bytes environment" mode (add an optional argument).


I have a patch fixing both problems, parts (a) and (b), but the patch depends 
on os.environb. I prefer to wait until os.environb is accepted to submit my 

dependencies: +Create a bytes version of os.environ and getenvb() -Create 
fsencode() and fsdecode() functions in os.path

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