Mark Dickinson <> added the comment:

Alexander, I still don't understand your objection.  What's the downside of 
allowing the multiplication or division of a timedelta by a float?

Perhaps it's true that there are applications where timedeltas are best viewed 
as integers (with an implicitt 'microsecond' unit), but I think it's also true 
that there are plenty of applications where they're just regarded as a 
representation of a physical quantity, and there this proposal seems entirely 

I *would* want the timedelta * float and timedelta / float operations to be 
correctly rounded, so that behaviour is entirely predictable;  the current 
patch doesn't do that.  But it wouldn't be hard to implement:  there are 
functions available to express a float as a quotient of two integers, and after 
that the computation can be performed in integer arithmetic.


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