Mark Dickinson <> added the comment:

Doc nit: "When ``%z`` directive" -> "When the ``%z`` directive"

The _strptime._strptime docstring is inaccurate:  it claim to return a time 
struct, but actually returns tuple, int;  please could you also add docstrings 
for _strptime_time and _strptime_datetime?

Spacing in datetimemodule.c:  "if( module == NULL)" -> "if (module == NULL)".  
Also, is there any particular reason for initializing 'result' to NULL?  (Or 
even for using result at all;  you could just do "return 
PyObject_CallMethod(... ").

I'm mildly distressed by the inability of strptime to parse UTC offsets in the 
+HH:MM form that str(timezone) produces, but I'm not sure what the solution to 
that is.

Otherwise, this all looks good to my non-expert eye.

assignee: mark.dickinson -> belopolsky

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