On 2008-08-14 10:37, Brett Cannon wrote:
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 11:54 PM, "Martin v. Löwis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Anyway, if we're going to change policies around submitting code, I
would much rather see peer review become a habit than adopt a tool
like PQM.
The part where I'm skeptical about such a policy is that there might
be a shortage of reviewers. What if a patch on Rietvield doesn't find
a reviewer for a month or so? Many patches in the tracker sit there
for years without any committer reviewing them.

It would be a change in culture for us, that's for sure. The question
becomes whether the drop in patch throughput is justified by an
increase of patch quality and stability in the code?

I don't know about other developers, but I tend to do code review
by looking at the patch listings on the checkins list. While that
doesn't allow finding problems before the checkin, it does allow
finding them shortly afterwards and fairly quickly.

Of course, it's not as rigorous as using a special tool, but it
also doesn't get in the way when the patches are in fact in good
shape (which most of them are).

For everyday patches, I don't think we need a tool to help us
with code review.

For larger chunks or new code that has to be
reviewed on the tracker first, a peer review tool would make
things easier, actually just a way to open a patch in the browser
without having to first download it would already simplify things
a lot ;-) (this currently doesn't always work due to MIME issues
with the various different patch upload formats, e.g. .patch files,
.txt files, etc.)

Discussing such larger chunks on the tracker before they go in
is enough peer review and delay, IMHO.

In the end, some bugs will always get past all these barriers,
regardless on how difficult you make it.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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