On 04.04.2015 21:49, Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2015, at 03:35 PM, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>> On 04.04.2015 21:02, Kurt B. Kaiser wrote:
>>> For the record, that is a Symantec/Verisign code signing
>>> certificate. We paid $1123 for it last April.  It expires
>>> April 2017.
>>> If you don't switch to a different vendor, e.g. startssl, please
>>> contact me for renewal in 2017.
>> FWIW: The PSF mostly uses StartSSL nowadays and they also support code
>> signing certificates. Given that this option is a lot cheaper than
>> Verisign, I think we should switch, unless there are significant
>> reasons not to. We should revisit this in 2017.
> Agree - apparently the starlssl process for getting a signing cert is
> complex/obscure, so we should start early.

Not really. Once you have the org verification it's really easy.

> Let me know if I can help providing PSF organization verification.

I already completed that for the current cycle.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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