On Sun, 12 Mar 2017 11:37:21 -0000, Paul Moore <p.f.mo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't have a problem with the new "PRs attached to this issue" field
> - that's of course important to have. But is there any way to not have
> them generate emails (probably on a per-user basis, as I'm sure
> there's people who appreciate emails when PRs are added)? I guess the
> other option is a client-side filter, but I'm not sure how easy it
> would be to do something like that.

Kind of telling that Nick asked for a "notify when PR created" feature,
and you are asking for it to be disabled :)  Yes, it would need to be
a per-user setting, and currently it is not (it is a global setting
in Roundup).

I'm sure upstream would accept a patch to add a per-user setting for
this (and other things!).  Since the nosy emails are generated by a
reactor (a code snippet specific to the tracker instance) it wouldn't
even *need* to go upstream, and wouldn't be all that hard to write,
I think.  I'm not volunteering, though, not enough time :(

Maybe with the new docker tracker-test-setup that Maciej and Ezio have
refined we'll be able to get more volunteers interested in working
on the tracker codebase.  When they are ready it could use a bit more
visibility (a posting to python-dev and one to core-mentorship, say).

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