2017-12-08 14:19 GMT+01:00 Ezio Melotti <ezio.melo...@gmail.com>:
> In my opinion, the role of the mentor should boil down to:
> 1) be a reference for the new core dev and be available in case
> everything else fails (e.g. if no one else answers a question);
> 2) be responsible for the mistakes the new core dev might make (e.g.
> help fixing up a bad merge or a broken buildbot caused by the new core
> dev).
> The mentor shouldn't babysit the new core dev and be in the only point
> of contact.

I can only agree with you on these points :-)

> The new core dev should:
> 1) interact with the other core devs and the community in general;
> 2) reach to the mentor only when necessary (i.e. no one else replied,
> something import/urgent/"personal").

Hum, maybe the process document should give a few pointers to the
proper place to ask questions at each step? For example,
core-mentorship before coming a core, and then maybe more on
python-committers after becoming a core?

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