On Wed, 31 Jan 2018 03:17:47 -0500, Ned Deily <n...@python.org> wrote:
> in not more than 24 hours from now.  If you wish, feel free to merge
> new commits into the master branch for release in 3.8, with the
> understanding that any also destined for 3.7.0 will need to be
> cherrypicked after the 3.7 branch is available.  Other branches (3.6,
> 2.7) are unaffected.

Hmm.  I merge something and put on the backport 3.6 label and just
merged that...and I have no idea if the 3.7 merge was before or
after the b1 cutoff.  Is there some way to get git to tell us which
commits are possible candidates for cherry picking after the branch
is created so that we don't miss any?  Otherwise I fear we may
end up with some bug fixes that get in to 3.8 and 3.6 but not 3.7.

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