On Sep 28, 2018, at 17:45, Łukasz Langa <luk...@langa.pl> wrote:

> Do you use NNTP? Like with IRC, you won't find the next generation of core 
> developers on it. And no, there is no support for it in Discourse.
> We could probably figure something out with Gmane if there's interest.

Yes, I use NNTP to read many of the Python mailing lists.  Gmane, even in its 
current state, is fantastic.

I’m all for supporting the next generation of developers, but not necessarily 
at the expense of *decades* of established workflow for current developers.  
Moving to Discourse breaks this and proliferates browser tab syndrome.  It’s an 
experiment worth conducting, but I do think it’s a bit cavalier to shut down 
python-committers without further discussion.


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