If you like the way mail.python.org and Mailman (both 2 and 3) Just Work, and 
are about as reliable as any service can be, we have our wonderful postmasters 
to thank.  Mark has been a postmaster for years and is currently maintaining 
GNU Mailman, both as a project and as a service on mpo.  Abhilash maintains the 
GNU Mailman 3 branch, has been project leader since I retired in that role back 
in 2017, and also maintains the Mailman 3 instance on mail.python.org.

More than that, because of their roles as Mailman developers, they have a deep 
knowledge of email in general, and in the email package in particular.  As I 
rarely dabble in the email package these days, and RDM --who did a fantastic 
job of implementing the new APIs and features in email for Python 3— has also 
scaled back his involvement, it means that the email package doesn’t get much 
attention these days.  Both Mark and Abhilash have an interest in helping to 
maintain the email package moving forward, and both are eminently qualified to 
do so.

I have worked with both of them for many many years, and I have the utmost 
respect for their technical and social skills, their understanding of Python 
processes, and their love of the Python language and community.  I've sprinted 
with them at many Pycons, until I scaled back my involvement with Mailman.  
Both are here sprinting at Pycon 2019.

Therefore, with their permission, I propose extending core developer rights to 
both Mark and Abhilash.

As per PEP 13, I plan on opening a vote on Discourse next week (once I kind of 
recover from Pycon) for each developer.


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