To simplify the developer log and to have an accurate list of core
developers for PEP 13, I have been trying to compile a clean, historical
list of core developers.

Unfortunately it turns out the developer log is a bit messy and incomplete
(hence why I would say that I have *a* list, but not necessary *the* list).
:) For instance, I know for a fact people were granted commit rights at
sprints but not recorded in the developer log (I found at least one
instance where I personally forgot). I suspect the same happened for GSoC.
We also have people listed in the developer log who were never meant to be
core developers but were given access due to the shared nature of (e.g. the Jython devs getting access due to
hosting the Jython source code).

All of this is to say that the developer log is incomplete, and that means
relying on the git history to help clean this up for figuring out who was
purposefully made a core dev is impossible. And honestly this is
understandable as it wasn't that important whether you were a core dev or
not pre-PEP 13 other than security access (which we somewhat got for free
when we changed version control systems and people fell off from commit

But now with PEP 13 the historical list of core developers is important as
that defines whether you are able to qualify to vote. Or put another way,
an analogy I have been using is the historical list of core developers
defines "citizenship" in the Python core team and active status means you
are "registered to vote".

So, how do we pull together a clean-enough list of historical core
developers? Here is my idea of criteria of people to be on the list (based
on the developer log and the git log):

   - Was not a GSoC student (clarification to follow for those who fall
   into this category and are actually active)
   - People who were not granted commit rights at a sprint just for being
   at a sprint (clarification to follow)
   - Did not commit/author beyond a 3 month time span from first
   commit/authorship to last commit/authorship and their last commit was more
   than two years ago (helps cover people we don't have good records for in
   terms of sprints or GSoC who never got involved)
   - Anyone who falls into the above cases and requests to be considered an
   official core developer (so people who fall into the above buckets can get
   pulled out based on the fact that they did become active)

Once we have reached consensus around the criteria I can generate a list of
people who would be on the list and who wouldn't and we can handle requests
to be re-classified. Then I will commit the lists to the voters repository
and regenerate the developer log.

BTW I'm expecting this entire exercise to be a one-time thing and that all
future core developers will be immediately added to the canonical list of
core devs so it doesn't become inaccurate again.
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