I'm very happy about this!

Pablo is a natural candidate for the role. As one of the people caring for our 
buildbots, he helped me during releases many times. And this past 3.9.0b1, 
while I was working on the new 3.9 maintenance branch, he made the master 
branch successfully build a Python with a double-digit minor version number. 
Strong start!


PS. Thank you for the kind words, Barry, it will take some more releases for me 
to make before I retire: eyes fixed on 3.9.0 in particular. Exciting times! :-)

Best regards,
Łukasz Langa

> On 20 May 2020, at 00:54, Barry Warsaw <ba...@python.org> wrote:
> In light of the release of Python 3.9b1, let’s take a moment to celebrate 
> all the great work that our Python 3.8 and 3.9 release manager Łukasz has 
> done.  The role of Python Release Manager is hugely important to each 
> successful release, and it can be a lot of work, often unseen and thankless 
> to shepherd a new Python version through its first alpha release to its last 
> security release.  With all of your immeasurable help, the Release Manager 
> ensures solid, feature-full releases that the entire Python community eagerly 
> awaits.
> Łukasz carries on the fine tradition of all of our past release managers, and 
> now that his second release has entered beta phase, I’m very happy to 
> announce our next Release Manager, for Python 3.10 and 3.11: Pablo Galindo 
> Salgado!
> Since becoming a core developer in 2018, Pablo has contributed significantly 
> to Python.  With the change to an annual release cycle (PEP 602, authored by 
> Łukasz), the time commitment for release managers has been reduced as well, 
> and we will continue to look for ways to make the selection process for 
> release managers more transparent and accessible.  I know that in addition to 
> admirably managing the releases for 3.10 and 3.11, Pablo will also help to 
> continually improve the process of selecting and serving as release manager.
> Please join me in welcoming Pablo in his new role!
> Cheers,
> -Barry
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