> So, on what principled basis do we exempt, say, ints from
participating in cyclic GC too? Do we have to "just know" that a cycle
can't be reached from an int's type object? If so, is that even true?
Or just convenient to pretend to believe to avoid adding 16 more bytes
to each int object and grossly slowing gc scans in the presence of
many ints? ;-) If it is true, how do we know for which type objects it
is and isn't true?

In this case, the int object doesn't have a reference to its type because
is not a heap type
so that's fine. The problem appeared after the changes done in 3.8 to heap
types (https://docs.python.org/3/whatsnew/3.9.html#changes-in-the-c-api)

On Thu, 27 May 2021 at 23:12, Tim Peters <tim.pet...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ;Victor Stinner <vstin...@python.org>]
> > ...
> > For a more concrete example, read the "_thread lock traverse" section
> > of my article on these problems:
> > https://vstinner.github.io/subinterpreter-leaks.html
> >
> > There were two reference cycles, and both were "connected" with a lock
> > object in the middle (look at my drawing). The lock object was *not*
> > directly part of any ref cycle. But because it had no traverse
> > function, the GC failed to break both cycles in a single collection. A
> > second manual GC collection was needed to break the second cycles, to
> > *work around* the issue.
> Thanks! Let me correct/refine my characterization. For cyclic GC to
> work as intended, every object from which a cycle may be reached must
> participate in cyclic GC, and its tp_traverse must visit every
> contained object from which a cycle may be reached. Necessary and
> sufficient, there. Contrary to previous stabs, it's actually
> irrelevant whether the object may itself be directly in a cycle.  As
> in your example, it can do damage to the intent if an object is merely
> a (or just on an) acyclic bridge between cycles (even though not
> _itself_ in a cycle).
> So, if we're saying that type objects in general may be in cycles,
> then it's necessary that absolutely every object participate in GC,
> and its tp_traverse must visit absolutely every object it points to
> (every object points to a type object, as does every contained object
> likewise: there are potential cycles everywhere).
> So, on what principled basis do we exempt, say, ints from
> participating in cyclic GC too? Do we have to "just know" that a cycle
> can't be reached from an int's type object? If so, is that even true?
> Or just convenient to pretend to believe to avoid adding 16 more bytes
> to each int object and grossly slowing gc scans in the presence of
> many ints? ;-) If it is true, how do we know for which type objects it
> is and isn't true?
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