Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> Dan Eloff wrote ..
>> I've been using html formatted tracebacks in my handlers for a little
>> while, and it's working rather well. Here's my proposal to add it to
>> mod_python. Once we've reached agreement I'll add it and attach the
>> files.
>> -Add a file exception.html to mod_python directory, it is the
>> standalone html page used for displaying tracebacks. It is loaded once
>> as a string.Template instance and cached. The template has one
>> variable, $traceback, which is substituted with the normal mod_python
>> traceback.
>> -The logic for formatting the traceback resides in exception.html as
>> javascript and can be fully customized. If it encounters an error
>> during formatting or if javascript is disabled, the traceback will be
>> visible as normal with no formatting.
>> -Uses markup and css to highlight important information in the
>> traceback. This can be customized by editing the styles in
>> exception.html. If you wish, by editing the javascript in
>> exception.html, you can have complete control over how the traceback
>> is formatted.
>> -Supports filters easily defined in the javascript that can hide or
>> show traces conditionally. By default a filter is enabled that hides
>> mod_python traces. When hidden, traces shrink down to 2px high colored
>> stripes. By clicking on the appropriate toggle link at the top of the
>> traceback you can toggle the filter to show or hide the matching
>> traces.
>> -One new option is added at the outermost scope of httpd.conf, defaulting
>> as:
>> PythonOption mod_python.html_traceback On
>> Which if set to Off, will result in the usual tracebacks you get in 
>> mod_python.
>> Screenshot of demo attached.
> Hmmm, I didn't think you were wanting to go to that level of customisation.
> If you do, I would suggest that we add a new directive to mod_python called
> something like PythonExceptionHandler. The idea being that details of any
> exception be supplied to your user supplied handler and everything is left up
> to you as to how you render the page. I suggest this as I'm not real keen on
> an approach whereby it depends on you having a special exception.html file
> somewhere as that approach may not work in a lot of situations. By using a
> handler, you can still use the approach you suggest, but that is up to you
> and it wouldn't be dictating a specific way of doing things on people
> that may not work for everyone.
If there is a default exception handler, it wuold be nice to be able to
set the HTML file used as a template using a PythonOption as well...


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