Alan Kennedy wrote:

I think the following may be a bug in mod_python. I can't seem to find a bug database or tracker for mod_python?

No time to investigate right now. I'll take a look tonight.


When subscripted access is used to access variable 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' in the request.subprocess_env table/mapping, the code hangs.

The following snippet illustrates the problem.

# -=-=-=-=-=-=

def postreadrequesthandler(request):
  value = request.subprocess_env['SCRIPT_FILENAME']    # This hangs
# value = request.subprocess_env.get('SCRIPT_FILENAME')# This works
  return apache.OK

# -=-=-=-=-=-=

The strange thing is that the .get() access works fine: only the subscript hangs?

The environment is

Apache:     2.0.59
ModPython:  3.2.10
Python:     2.4
OS:         Windows Server 2003

If anyone is wondering about a use-case, I don't actually have one. I was just iterating over the contents of the request.subprocess_env using a for loop (code below), and found that the code hung when accessing 'SCRIPT_FILENAME', and not for any other variable.

# -=-=-=
d = {}
for sek in request.subprocess_env.keys():
  d[sek] = request.subprocess_env[sek]
# -=-=-=



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