Hi Andy,
I think you're right. I'll investigate.
Andy Pearce wrote:
I think I might have spotted a slight bug in Session.py. When the
'secret' parameter is supplied to use the SignedCookie class, it appears
that __init__ of BaseSession doesn't check the return type of
If I understand the SignedCookie docs correctly, if the cookie value
doesn't match its signature, it simply returns the contents as a Cookie
rather than a SignedCookie (indicating that the user tampered with their
cookie before sending it back).
However, there is no check in BaseSession's __init__ that the return of
get_cookies() is a SignedCookie in the case that 'secret' is supplied.
Perhaps a minor point, but it would seem to make the option of using
SignedCookies rather pointless, since the signature isn't being checked.
Presumably if the cookie has been tampered with, your only safe option
is to throw it away and generate a new one. I think this can be achieved
by changing the lines:
if cookies.has_key(session_cookie_name):
self._sid = cookies[session_cookie_name].value
To something like:
if cookies.has_key(session_cookie_name):
if not secret or type(cookes[session_cookie_name]) \
is Cookie.SignedCookie:
self._sid = cookies[session_cookie_name].value
I'm fairly new to mod_python, so if I'm mistaken then my apologies, and
a quick explanation of why would be very much appreciated! ^_^
- Andy