It sure feels like we are close thanks to Graham's hard work. I've been
doing some testing and it's looking good.
With 3.3.0-dev-20061104 (r471260):
+1 Linux Debian 3.1 Stable, Apache 2.0.54 (prefork-mpm), python 2.3.5
+1 Linux Debian 3.1 Stable, Apache 2.0.54 (prefork-mpm), python 2.4.1
+1 Linux Ubuntu 6.06, Apache 2.0.55 (worker-mpm), python 2.4.3
+1 Linux Ubuntu 6.10, Apache 2.0.55 (prefork-mpm), python 2.4.4c1
+1 Linux Debian unstable, Apache 2.2.3 (worker-mpm), Python 2.3.5
+1 Linux Debian unstable, Apache 2.2.3 (worker-mpm), Python 2.4.4
+1 Linux Debian unstable, Apache 2.2.3 (worker-mpm), Python 2.5
I'm assuming we are *officially* dropping python 2.2 support, but it
does still work as long as you are using the legacy importer.
Also, I wonder if we should bump the apache version required to 2.0.54,
or at least note in the docs that we haven't done any testing for
version < 2.0.54 (or 2.0.53 as the case may be).
Anyway, are there any burning issues that need to be addressed beyond a
couple of documentation tweaks? If not I'll roll a tarball for
preliminary testing and if all goes well we can proceed to a beta
release cycle in fairly quick order.