Incomplete documentation. For AddHandler it would always have required
the .psp_ extension case to be listed explicitly.

On 05/11/2006, at 3:04 AM, Jim Gallacher wrote:

I was doing a bit of work on the Docs and I noticed a problem with the .psp_ trick to get the listing of the source and generated code. This is not a feature I use so I'm not sure if the documentation is incorrect or if the behaviour has changed. Simply appending "_" to the URL does not work as advertised.



req.write('hello world')

This configuration doesn't work - status 404
PythonDebug On
AddHandler mod_python .psp
PythonHandler mod_python.psp

This configuration works - status 200
PythonDebug On
AddHandler mod_python .psp .psp_
PythonHandler mod_python.psp

This configuration works - status 200
PythonDebug On
SetHandler mod_python
PythonHandler mod_python.psp

So what's up with this? Bad docs or has it changed?


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