On 12/4/06, Jim Gallacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can someone explain the significance of this?

> The following page has been changed by MartinStoufer:
> http://wiki.apache.org/mod_python/LocalSpellingWords
> + programattic

The wiki has a "special" page which contains exceptions for a
spell-check dictionary.  Whenever anybody is editing a wiki page
they can choose to have the server spell check the page before
saving it.

Normally the wiki knows about most English words, but you can
also add words to the LocalSpellingWords page to add more.
However the LocalSpellingWords is global across the whole wiki
regardless of who is editing.

It looks like Martin was spell checking and accidentally added the
word "programattic" to the exception list rather than correcting
the misspelled word.  It does no harm, except "programattic" will
no longer be flagged as a mis-spelled word.

Normally LocalSpellingWords is useful if there are some common
invented words that are used frequently in the wiki.  "mod_python"
would be a perfect example, but the underscore in it already causes
it to be ignored during spell checking.

I can clean up the mistaken entry later, unless somebody beats
me to it (it's just a wiki page, so it can be edited).
Deron Meranda

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