On Wed, 15 Dec 2004, Aahz wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 14, 2004, Gregory P. Smith wrote:
> >Attribution deleted:
> >> 
> >> No one disagrees that Python needs better marketing material.  At the
> >> last PyCon a group of people sat down in a pydotorg BoF and agreed
> >> that yes, we do need a management-friendly marketing site, and that we
> >> could put it on a separate hostname (something.python.org) so that the
> >> current www.python.org wouldn't have to be changed.
> >> 
> >> However, no one has actually sat down and written such a site, or even
> >> outlined it.  Let me encourage you to go ahead and do that.  You could
> >> draft the outline on a Wiki page, and then later figure out an
> >> attractive design and organization for a new site.
> > 
> > suggested hostname: why.python.org
> This is where the process always gets bogged down.  :-(  Once we have
> material, that's the time to start arguing about where it should go.

Absolutely.  Content first, details later.

Incidentally, I keep offering:  Anyone that actually takes this on should
feel free to rip off content from http://wingware.com/python -- I'm not
saying this is the best content or the most complete but it's a start
anyway (I wrote it in case that wasn't clear ;-)

Incidentally, if someone does get excited about working on this, check
with me or another PSF board member.

- Stephan
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