On Feb 16, 2005, at 18:42, Martin v. Löwis wrote:
I must admit that I'm surprised. I would have expected
that most allocations in Python go through obmalloc, so
the heap would only see "large" allocations.

It would be interesting to find out, in your application,
why it is still an improvement to use the low-fragmentation

Hmm... This is an excellent point. A grep through the Python source code shows that the following files call the native system malloc (I've excluded a few obviously platform specific files). A quick visual inspection shows that most of these are using it to allocate some sort of array or string, so it likely *should* go through the system malloc. Gfeller, any idea if you are using any of the modules on this list? If so, it would be pretty easy to try converting them to call the obmalloc functions instead, and see how that affects the performance.

Evan Jones

Demo/pysvr/pysvr.c Modules/_bsddb.c Modules/_curses_panel.c Modules/_cursesmodule.c Modules/_hotshot.c Modules/_sre.c Modules/audioop.c Modules/bsddbmodule.c Modules/cPickle.c Modules/cStringIO.c Modules/getaddrinfo.c Modules/main.c Modules/pyexpat.c Modules/readline.c Modules/regexpr.c Modules/rgbimgmodule.c Modules/svmodule.c Modules/timemodule.c Modules/zlibmodule.c PC/getpathp.c Python/strdup.c Python/thread.c

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