> It was possible in PEP 340 and in early drafts of PEP 346, but it
> isn't possible in PEP 343.

> In PEP 343, the statement template *cannot* suppress exceptions - it
> can react to them, and it can turn them into different exceptions, but
> that's all.

...doing homework...

The following code, combined from PEP 343 and Mr. Du Bois suggestion:


from sys import exc_info

class ignored_exceptions(object):
        def __init__(self, *exceptions):
                self.exceptions = exceptions
        def __enter__(self):
                return None
        def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
                        raise type, value, traceback
                except self.exceptions:

        with = ignored_exceptions(TypeError)
                        raise TypeError()
                        exc = exc_info()
        print exc_info()


still yields exceptions.TypeError.

Now, back to original question then, do you think it'd be
beneficial to have some sort of exception ignoring or expecting
statement ?

Dmitry Dvoinikov

--- Original message follows ---

> Paul Du Bois wrote:
>> If I understand PEP 343 correctly, it allows for easy implementation
>> of part of your request. It doesn't implement the else: clause, but
>> you don't give a use case for it either.
>> class ignored_exceptions(object):
>>    def __init__(self, *exceptions):
>>        self.exceptions = exceptions
>>    def __enter__(self):
>>        return None
>>    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
>>        try:
>>            raise type, value, traceback
>>        except self.exceptions:
>>            pass
>> with ignored_exceptions(SomeError):
>>    do stuff
>> I don't see the use, but it's possible.

> It was possible in PEP 340 and in early drafts of PEP 346, but it 
> isn't possible in PEP 343.

> In PEP 343, the statement template *cannot* suppress exceptions - it
> can react to them, and it can turn them into different exceptions, but
> that's all.

> And yes, this is deliberate - the control flow is too murky otherwise:

>    with some_template():
>        raise TypeError
>    print "Hi!"

> Does that code print "Hi!" or not? Under PEP 343, you know it doesn't,
> because the TypeError isn't trapped. If templates could actually 
> suppress exceptions, you'd have no idea what the code does without 
> looking up the definition of 'some_template' - this is a bad thing, 
> which is why PEP 343 defines the semantics the way it does.

> However, I'm with Michael - every time I've needed something like 
> this, I have had non-trivial code in either the 'except' or the 'else'
> blocks of the try statement.

> Regards,
> Nick.

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