[Michael Hudson]
>> I've been looking at this area partly to try and understand this bug:
>>     [ 1163563 ] Sub threads execute in restricted mode
>> but I'm not sure the whole idea of multiple interpreters isn't
>> inherently doomed :-/

[Martin v. Löwis]
> That's what Tim asserts, saying that people who want to use the
> feature should fix it themselves.

I haven't said they're doomed, although I have said that people who
want to use them are on their own.  I think the latter is simply an
obvious truth, since (a) multiple interpreters have been entirely
unexercised by the Python test suite ("if it's not tested, it's
broken" rules); (b) Python developers generally pay no attention to
them; and (c), as the teensy bit of docs for them imply, they're an
"80% solution", but to a problem that's probably more sensitive than
most to glitches in the other 20%.

I've also said that Mark's thread state PEP explicitly disavowed
responsibility for working nicely with multiple interpreters.  I said
that only because that's what his PEP said <wink>.
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