At 03:45 PM 6/27/2005 -0500, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>We're getting enough discussion about various aspects of Jason's path module
>that perhaps a PEP is warranted.  All this discussion on python-dev is just
>going to get lost.

AFAICT, the only unresolved issue outstanding is a compromise or 
Pronouncement regarding the atime/ctime/mtime members' datatype.  This is 
assuming, of course, that making the "empty path" be os.curdir doesn't 
receive any objections, and that nobody strongly prefers 'path.fromcwd()' 
over 'path.cwd()' as the alternate constructor name.

Apart from these fairly minor issues, there is a very short to-do list, 
small enough to do an implementation patch in an evening or 
two.  Documentation might take a similar amount of time after that; mostly 
it'll be copy-paste from the existing os.path docs, though.

As for the open issues, if we can't reach some sane compromise about 
atime/ctime/mtime, I'd suggest just providing the stat() method and let 
people use stat().st_mtime et al.  Alternately, I'd be okay with creating 
last_modified(), last_accessed(), and created_on() methods that return 
datetime objects, as long as there's also atime()/mtime()/ctime() methods 
that return timestamps.

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