Barry Warsaw wrote:
> I disagree.  By reserving password generation to the pydotorg admins, we
> can better insure the passwords are more robust against dictionary
> attacks.  See my previous message.  I actually /don't/ want individuals
> to be able to set their own passwords.  In practice, you only have to
> know your password once, because svn caches the authentication (yes,
> that opens up opportunities for compromise, but that's how svn works).

See Michael's (I think) message: that is a much greater risk than the
one of a brute-force attack. In our environment, a determined student
could easily read out my home directory, and get at my pydotorg password
(if I would allow svn to cache it). They would have to break all kinds
of rules in doing so; yet, it would be technically possible - so
I just can't turn on this svn setting, and have to type the password
every time. This is surely inconvenient, as I cannot even remember
the password.

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