On Sun, 2005-08-21 at 09:12, "Martin v. Löwis" wrote:
> It turns out that svn+ssh with a single account has limitations:
> you can only set the tunnel user when you are using a restricted
> key. In PEP 347, the plan is that the current SF project admins
> get shell access to the pythondev account, which just has been
> created.
> To resolve this, project admins need two different SSH keys:
> one for accessing the shell, and one for regular commit activities.

I may be totally misunderstanding, but to get shell access wouldn't I
avoid using the pythondev account and just use my own account?  I'd only
need the pythondev account to access the svn repository, right?  (And
actually, it might be possible to set up group permissions and
membership so that I could access the repo with either).

The number of people who need shell access should be pretty small.

I'm also a little confused about the pep.  What does "admin access to
the pythondev account" mean?  Do you mean the people who are going to be
managing users that can access svn?  In that case, I think the system
admins (i.e. those who already have shell access to dinsdale) would be
the people managing user access to svn.

> I would suggest that the default key is used for regular commits,
> and a separate key is created for shell access. I described this
> a bit in the PEP, essentially, in .ssh/config, I have
> Host pythondev
>   Hostname dinsdale.python.org
>   User pythondev
>   IdentityFile ~/.ssh/pythondev
> So when I do "ssh pythondev", I get the shell account; when I do
> "svn co svn+ssh://[EMAIL PROTECTED]/python/trunk/Modules",
> I use my default identity, which gets tunneled as "Martin v. Loewis".

I'm confused again; are you saying that we should have a host named
pythondev.python.org?  I'm not sure that's necessary.


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