On Thu, 5 Jan 2006, Tim Peters wrote:
> A problem for Windows buildbot slaves is that they need an appropriate
> compiler.  Does this machine have MS VC 7.1 installed?  If not, it
> can't compile the code.  The Windows Python would also like to build
> several other packages (like bz2 and Tcl/Tk).

Might a buildbot running this setup of David Munman's (free MS compiler +
NAnt interpreting the MS project file) be useful?


(I'm not offering a buildbot myself, just pointing out the possibility of
using this tool)

There always the chance it gets something wrong or falls over while trying
to interpret the project file, of course.  That in itself would be
beneficial, though, if there's a committer willing to fix it when it
breaks -- I currently have access to MS compilers, but I remember many
happy :-/ hours as a graduate student trying to compile Fortran and C
extensions on win32 with free compilers.

> An "update" style of slave does an svn update rather than a full
> checkout, and that usually goes very fast after the first time. 
> Likewise compiling if binaries are left behind across runs.

Much though I like SVN, it seems its working copy management still leaves
a little to be desired:  Even quite recently (fairly sure it was client
version 1.2.*, on Win XP) and with read-only checkouts used only for
builds, I've still seen it end up in an incorrect state.  I suspect 'svn
switch' or 'svn up -r xxxxx' was the culprit, though, so perhaps it's not
a problem if exactly 'svn up' is the only svn command ever executed on the
checkout.  Still, perhaps it's wise to wipe the checkout every so often?

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