>>>>> "Martin" == Martin v Löwis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Martin> So would you just like to see the readline module to be
    Martin> removed from the Python distribution?

No.  I would much prefer that the readline module be made compatible
with libedit (or whatever the pseudo-readline library is called) and
that is what I recommend in the short term.  Alternatively, libedit
should be made more completely compatible with libreadline.

In the long term, I would like to see your interpretation established
in law (either by legislation or by precedent), but I certainly don't
want any precedent set by having the PSF and the FSF at odds with each

    Martin> So it is the act of linking (and probably to some extent,
    Martin> the act of compiling) that creates the derivative work.

The FSF did not accept that position when Aladdin advanced it in the
case of Ghostscript.  Cf. my reply to Tim Peters.

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