On 04/23/2018 06:42 PM, Chris Jerdonek wrote:
On Mon, Apr 23, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
Tim Peters wrote:

if (diff := x - x_base) and (g := gcd(diff, n)) > 1:
     return g

My problem with this is -- how do you read such code out loud?

It could be--

"if diff, which we let equal x - x_base, and g, which ..." or
"if diff, which we set equal to x - x_base, and g, which ...." or
"if diff, which we define to be x - x_base, and g, which ...." or
"if diff, which we define as x - x_base, and g, which ....." etc.

Thanks, Chris J.

For myself, I can read that as

"if diff, which is x - x_base, and g, which is ..."

That works for me.

Changing my vote to

+1  (but only for simple name bindings)


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