Op 17 jul. 2018 om 09:40 heeft Radim Řehůřek <ra...@rare-technologies.com> het 
volgende geschreven:

> To be honest, I did do some CPython source code staring already. And at least 
> for the functions we care about, it wasn't all that painful (PyDict_GetItem 
> being the trickiest). Doing this wholesale might be a superhuman task, but 
> I'm thinking a practical subset could be relatively straightforward while 
> still useful, 80/20.

This is would likely lead to a fairly vague document.  Using PyDict_GetItem as 
an example, even if it might sometimes be possible to call without holding the 
GIL there are definitely use cases where it is not, for example when there are 
keys with a type implemented in python, or when the dict is modified in another 

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