On 29/07/2018 15:21, Jeremy Kloth wrote:
On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 3:13 AM Tim Golden <m...@timgolden.me.uk> wrote:
For an example:


Thank you!  After inspecting all the errors, it does seem that they
are ALL caused by "bare" os.unlink/rmdir calls.  So it seems that a
massive undertaking of ferreting out these locations and replacing
them with their support equivalents would be needed to have a passing
test suite for you.

Thanks for checking. As I mentioned elsewhere in this thread, I propose to go through and apply support.unlink where necessary. It won't make things any worse and will hopefully improve in some areas.

For test_mailbox I've experimentally implemented a hybrid tempfile / local directory solution. ie I've created a new file on each run, but only within the python_<pid> folder which already exists. As long as the directory cleans up there should be no leftovers. That's certainly helped although my re-run harness has provoked at least one error.

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