On 9/22/2018 12:41 PM, Guido van Rossum wrote:
This is a good catch -- thanks for bringing it up. I'm adding Eric Smith (author of dataclasses) and Ivan Levkivskyi (co-author of typing) as well as Łukasz Langa (author of PEP 563) to the thread to see if they have further insights.

I don't see Ivan and Łukasz cc'd, so I'm adding them here.

Personally I don't think it's feasible to change PEP 563 to use lambdas (if it were even advisable, which would be a long discussion), but I do think we might be able to make small improvements to the dataclasses and/or typing modules to make sure your use case works.

Probably a bugs.python.org <http://bugs.python.org> issue is a better place to dive into the details than python-dev.

Agreed that opening a bug would be good.

And then I'll ruin that suggestion by answering here, too:

I think this problem is endemic to get_type_hints(). I've never understood how you're supposed to use the globals and locals arguments to it, but this works:

print(get_type_hints(Bar.__init__, globals()))

as does:

print(get_type_hints(Bar.__init__, Bar.__module__))

But that seems like you'd have to know a lot about how a class were declared in order to call get_type_hints on it. I'm not sure __module__ is always correct (but again, I haven't really thought about it).

The docs for get_type_hints() says: "In addition, forward references encoded as string literals are handled by evaluating them in globals and locals namespaces."

Every once in a while someone will bring up the idea of delayed evaluation, and the answer is always "use a lambda". If we ever wanted to do something more with delayed evaluation, this is a good use case for it.


Thanks again,

--Guido (top-poster in chief)

On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 8:32 AM David Hagen <da...@drhagen.com <mailto:da...@drhagen.com>> wrote:

    The new postponed annotations have an unexpected interaction with
    dataclasses. Namely, you cannot get the type hints of any of the
    data classes methods.

    For example, I have some code that inspects the type parameters of a
    class's `__init__` method. (The real use case is to provide a
    default serializer for the class, but that is not important here.)

    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from typing import get_type_hints

    class Foo:

    class Bar:
         foo: Foo


    In Python 3.6 and 3.7, this does what is expected; it prints
    `{'foo': <class '__main__.Foo'>, 'return': <class 'NoneType'>}`.

    However, if in Python 3.7, I add `from __future__ import
    annotations`, then this fails with an error:

    NameError: name 'Foo' is not defined

    I know why this is happening. The `__init__` method is defined in
    the `dataclasses` module which does not have the `Foo` object in its
    environment, and the `Foo` annotation is being passed to `dataclass`
    and attached to `__init__` as the string `"Foo"` rather than as the
    original object `Foo`, but `get_type_hints` for the new annotations
    only does a name lookup in the module where `__init__` is defined
    not where the annotation is defined.

    I know that the use of lambdas to implement PEP 563 was rejected for
    performance reasons. I could be wrong, but I think this was
    motivated by variable annotations because the lambda would have to
    be constructed each time the function body ran. I was wondering if I
    could motivate storing the annotations as lambdas in class bodies
    and function signatures, in which the environment is already being
    captured and is code that usually only runs once.
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