Hi all,

When we receive a PR about the documentation, I think that could be
interesting if we could have a running instance of the doc on a sub
domain of python.org.

For example, pr-10000-doc.python.org or whatever, but by this way the
reviewers could see the result online.

The workflow would be like that:

New PR -> build the doc (done by Travis) -> publish it to a server ->
once published, the PR is notified by "doc is available at URL".

Once merged -> we remove the doc and the link (hello bedevere).

I am interested by this feature and if you also interested, tell me.
I would like discuss with Julien Palard and Ernest W.  Durbin III for a
solution as soon as possible.

Have a nice day,


Stéphane Wirtel - https://wirtel.be - @matrixise
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