> With *Homebrew*, `python` points to Homebrew’s Python 2.7.x (if
> installed) otherwise the macOS system Python. That's exactly according
> to the PEP. They tried to switch python to python3 before, and got
> rather nasty backlash citing PEP 394. I assume they will follow the PEP
> quite strictly from now on.

I want to add note here.
When homebrew switched to python -> python3, node-gyp is broken.
It is very widely used tool for web developers.

Since Google was very lazy about adding Python 3 to gyp, node-gyp
can't support Python 3 for a long time.

But this situation is changing.  Google added Python 3 support to gyp.
node-gyp project is working on Python 3 support for now.

I think keeping PEP 394 as-is until node-gyp officially support Python 3
would helps many web developers.

INADA Naoki  <songofaca...@gmail.com>
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