> On Mar 20, 2019, at 6:07 PM, Victor Stinner <vstin...@redhat.com> wrote:
> what's the rationale of this backward incompatible change?

Please refrain from abusive mischaracterizations.  It is only backwards 
incompatible if there was a guaranteed behavior.  Whether there was or not is 
what this thread is about.  

My reading of this thread was that the various experts did not want to lock in 
the 3.7 behavior nor did they think the purpose of the XML modules is to 
produce an exact binary output.  The lxml maintainer is dropping sorting (its 
expensive and it overrides the order specified by the user). Other XML modules 
don't sort. It only made sense as a way to produce a deterministic output 
within a feature release back when there was no other way to do it.

For my part, any agreed upon outcome in fine. I'm not willing be debased 
further, so I am out of this discussion. It's up to you all to do the right 


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