I've had time for a more thorough reading of PEP 590 and the reference implementation. Thank you for the work! Overall, I like PEP 590's direction. I'd now describe the fundamental difference between PEP 580 and PEP 590 as:
- PEP 580 tries to optimize all existing calling conventions
- PEP 590 tries to optimize (and expose) the most general calling convention (i.e. fastcall)

PEP 580 also does a number of other things, as listed in PEP 579. But I think PEP 590 does not block future PEPs for the other items. On the other hand, PEP 580 has a much more mature implementation -- and that's where it picked up real-world complexity.

PEP 590's METH_VECTORCALL is designed to handle all existing use cases, rather than mirroring the existing METH_* varieties. But both PEPs require the callable's code to be modified, so requiring it to switch calling conventions shouldn't be a problem.

Jeroen's analysis from https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2018-July/154238.html seems to miss a step at the top:

b. _PyObject_FastCallKeywords()
      which calls
c. _PyCFunction_FastCallKeywords()
      which calls
d. _PyMethodDef_RawFastCallKeywords()
      which calls
e. the actual C function (*ml_meth)()

I think it's more useful to say that both PEPs bridge a->e (via _Py_VectorCall or PyCCall_Call).

PEP 590 is built on a simple idea, formalizing fastcall. But it is complicated by PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET and Py_TPFLAGS_METHOD_DESCRIPTOR. As far as I understand, both are there to avoid intermediate bound-method object for LOAD_METHOD/CALL_METHOD. (They do try to be general, but I don't see any other use case.)
Is that right?
(I'm running out of time today, but I'll write more on why I'm asking, and on the case I called "impossible" (while avoiding creation of a "bound method" object), later.)

The way `const` is handled in the function signatures strikes me as too fragile for public API. I'd like if, as much as possible, PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET was treated as a special optimization that extension authors can either opt in to, or blissfully ignore.
That might mean:
- vectorcall, PyObject_VectorCallWithCallable, PyObject_VectorCall, PyCall_MakeTpCall all formally take "PyObject *const *args" - a naïve callee must do "nargs &= ~PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET" (maybe spelled as "nargs &= PY_VECTORCALL_NARGS_MASK"), but otherwise writes compiler-enforced const-correct code. - if PY_VECTORCALL_ARGUMENTS_OFFSET is set, the callee may modify "args[-1]" (and only that, and after the author has read the docs).

Another point I'd like some discussion on is that vectorcall function pointer is per-instance. It looks this is only useful for type objects, but it will add a pointer to every new-style callable object (including functions). That seems wasteful. Why not have a per-type pointer, and for types that need it (like PyTypeObject), make it dispatch to an instance-specific function?

Minor things:
- "Continued prohibition of callable classes as base classes" -- this section reads as a final. Would you be OK wording this as something other PEPs can tackle? - "PyObject_VectorCall" -- this looks extraneous, and the reference imlementation doesn't need it so far. Can it be removed, or justified? - METH_VECTORCALL is *not* strictly "equivalent to the currently undocumented METH_FASTCALL | METH_KEYWORD flags" (it has the ARGUMENTS_OFFSET complication). - I'd like to officially call this PEP "Vectorcall", see https://github.com/python/peps/pull/984

Mark, what are your plans for next steps with PEP 590? If a volunteer wanted to help you push this forward, what would be the best thing to work on?

Jeroen, is there something in PEPs 579/580 that PEP 590 blocks, or should address?
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