Le mer. 4 déc. 2019 à 01:45, Charalampos Stratakis
<cstra...@redhat.com> a écrit :
> Also noting here that the reference leaks builds are triggered once a day so 
> many times it's not possible to find the commit that triggered a leak through 
> the web ui of buildbot. In this case it's good to also check the previous 
> builds of the same worker to figure out what changed.

Once a day is a tradeoff to not stress buildbot workers too often. In
my experience, it's quite easy to look at changes made the day before
and use bisect tools to identify the leak.

I'm using different tools:

* Refleak buildbots tell you which tests leak
* ./python -m test.bisect_cmd -R 3:3 test_xxx: identify one test
method which is enough to trigger the leak in test_xxx. This speedup a
lot following steps to check if a commit has the leak or not (git
bisect), since -R 3:3 makes tests 6x slower.
* git bisect helps a lot to identify which commit introduced the leak

Overall, it's rare than it takes me longer than 30 minutes to identify
the commit and the leaking tests and test methods. Sometimes, it's
done in under 10 minutes. It's just a few simple command and wait
until the computer works for me :-) (test.bisect_cmd that I wrote
helps me a lot!)

Pablo and me are opened issues to reference leak regressions. If
possible, we comment the issue introducing the regression, or we open
new issues if it's too hard to identify the leak.

The worst is when the leak is not a recent regression, but it was
hidden for whatever reasons and can now be reproduced in Python 6
months ago, if not older. But that's the least common case.

Note: test.bisect_cmd can also be used to identify the test method
responsible for a "altered environment" (ENV_CHANGED) if you add
--fail-env-changed option.

Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.
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