> Assuming a code base of 50M loc, *and* that all the code would be loaded
> into a single application (I sincerely hope that isn't the case) *and*
> that each class is only 100 lines, even then there would only be 500,000
> classes.
> If a single application has 500k classes, I don't think that a limit of
> 1M classes would be its biggest problem :)

It is more like 1 million calls to `type` adding some linear combination of
to a base class.

Think of a persistently running server that would create dynamic named
tuples lazily.
(I am working on code that does that, but with currently 5-6 attributes -
that gives me up to 64 classes,
but if I had 20 attributes this code would hit that limit - (if one would
use the lib in a persistent server, that is :-)  )

Anyway, not happening soon - I am just writting to say that one million
classes does not mean 1 million hard-codeed 100 LoC classes,
rather, it is 1 million calls to "namedtuple".

On Thu, 5 Dec 2019 at 11:30, Mark Shannon <m...@hotpy.org> wrote:

> Hi Guido,
> On 04/12/2019 3:51 pm, Guido van Rossum wrote:
> > I am overwhelmed by this thread (and a few other things in real life)
> > but here are some thoughts.
> >
> > 1. It seems the PEP doesn't sufficiently show that there is a problem to
> > be solved. There are claims of inefficiency but these aren't
> > substantiated and I kind of doubt that e.g. representing line numbers in
> > 32 bits rather than 20 bits is a problem.
> Fundamentally this is not about the immediate performance gains, but
> about the potential gains from not having to support huge, vaguely
> defined limits that are never needed in practice.
> Regarding line numbers,
> decoding the line number table for exception tracebacks, profiling and
> debugging is expensive and the cost is linear in the size of the code
> object. So, the performance benefit would be largest for the code that
> is nearest to the limits.
> >
> > 2. I have handled complaints in the past about existing (accidental)
> > limits that caused problems for generated code. People occasionally
> > generate *really* wacky code (IIRC the most recent case was a team that
> > was generating Python code from machine learning models they had
> > developed using other software) and as long as it works I don't want to
> > limit such applications.
> The key word here is "occasionally". How much do we want to increase the
> costs of every Python user for the very rare code generator that might
> bump into a limit?
> >
> > 3. Is it easy to work around a limit? Even if it is, it may be a huge
> > pain. I've heard of a limit of 65,000 methods in Java on Android, and my
> > understanding was that it was actually a huge pain for both the
> > toolchain maintainers and app developers (IIRC the toolchain had special
> > tricks to work around it, but those required app developers to change
> > their workflow). Yes, 65,000 is a lot smaller than a million, but in a
> > different context the same concern applies.
> 64k *methods* is much, much less than 1M *classes*. At 6 methods per
> class, it is 100 times less.
> The largest Python code bases, that I am aware of, are at JP Morgan,
> with something like 36M LOC and Bank of America with a similar number.
> Assuming a code base of 50M loc, *and* that all the code would be loaded
> into a single application (I sincerely hope that isn't the case) *and*
> that each class is only 100 lines, even then there would only be 500,000
> classes.
> If a single application has 500k classes, I don't think that a limit of
> 1M classes would be its biggest problem :)
> >
> > 4. What does Python currently do if you approach or exceed one of these
> > limits? I tried a simple experiment, eval(str(list(range(2000000)))),
> > and this completes in a few seconds, even though the source code is a
> > single 16 Mbyte-long line.
> You can have lines as long as you like :)
> >
> > 5. On the other hand, the current parser cannot handle more than 100
> > nested parentheses, and I've not heard complaints about this. I suspect
> > the number of nested indent levels is similarly constrained by the
> > parser. The default function call recursion limit is set to 1000 and
> > bumping it significantly risks segfaults. So clearly some limits exist
> > and are apparently acceptable.
> >
> > 6. In Linux and other UNIX-y systems, there are many per-process or
> > per-user limits, and they can be tuned -- the user (using sudo) can
> > change many of those limits, the sysadmin can change the defaults within
> > some range, and sometimes the kernel can be recompiled with different
> > absolute limits (not an option for most users or even sysadmins). These
> > limits are also quite varied -- the maximum number of open file
> > descriptors is different than the maximum pipe buffer size. This is of
> > course as it should be -- the limits exist to protect the OS and other
> > users/processes from runaway code and intentional attacks on resources.
> > (And yet, fork bombs exist, and it's easy to fill up a filesystem...) I
> > take from this that limits are useful, may have to be overridable, and
> > should have values that make sense given the resource they guard.
> Being able to dynamically *reduce* a limit from one million seems like a
> good idea.
> >
> > --
> > --Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido <http://python.org/~guido>)
> > /Pronouns: he/him //(why is my pronoun here?)/
> > <
> http://feministing.com/2015/02/03/how-using-they-as-a-singular-pronoun-can-change-the-world/
> >
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